MY FIRST!! - LIEBSTER blog award.

Its my very first award!
Its been so long since you had nominated me, Bhumi (Hey Wait, Listen!) Sorry for the looong delay in accepting! Thank You.. :)

Liebster! Its Such a confusing word.. And so easy to mess up the spelling too! :D

Of course, Google has all the answers and I found these from fellow bloggers..

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. 
The meaning of the word is simple, really: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. 

So, in short its like a welcoming present from 'senior' bloggers. :P

There are some rules to be followed though.. 

  • Thank 
  • Post your award
  • Answer the questions asked
  • Nominate
  • Ask Questions
  • Don't forget to inform your nominees

My answers to Bhumi's (Hey Wait, Listen!) questions: :D

1. If you were to write the story of your life, what might be the title?

          Livin' La Vida Loca! :D (Translated to 'Living the crazy life'!)

2. If you could have lunch with any famous person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

          Hmm.. Neil Armstong! I just wanna ask him about his famous trip to moon. :P

3. If you could be any animal for a day, what would you be and why? 

          A lion!! Cuz I can roam around like a king ;)

4. Item on your “bucket list” that you would be MOST upset if you didn't accomplish.

          Fly a plane :)

5. What’s something you regret, and how would you change it if you could?

          I regret giving up on sports.. Mostly cuz after being back from classes, its tiring and all I wanna do is sleep. I would love to take out the basket ball or the badminton racket and just play.

6. Name any 3 blogs you like and read everyday and why?

          I don't know how, but time skips and hops away when I open up my laptop. So there's not much time to search out new and interesting blogs, though am sure there are lots out there.. But some blogs I've book marked and checks on for new posts everytime I login. They are: Hey wait, Listen! ,  Adiyaalan , The Walking Scribbler. 

 7. Name one thing you would like to do before leaving this earth.

          One thing?? :D Hm I'd choose Travelling!

8. If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life what would it be? Why?

          I'd like to wear blue! \m/  But Sadly, I'v found out Yellow suits me more :P 

9. What's the last dream you had that you remember?

          I'm on an island with huge rocky mountains. All my friends n cousins are there and they'r preparing a feast for me! :P That's as far as I remember..

10. Morning or night person?

          Am both!! Sometimes I hate waking up early, but the next day I'd love waking up with the sun! 
And some nights all I wanna do is sleep, and the next night I'l be up all night.

Thanks again Bhumi :) Had a lot of fun reading your questions and answering them!! :) :)